It's a really heard question to answer.I had a friend ask me,, if he took a class under me, would he he pass. I'm not sure he liked the answer. "I don't know". Seriously, it wasn't an insult to his talent or ability, it was an honest, immediate response..I'm incabable of lying......I get many different people coming into my classes of varied education, prior work experience, no experience at all, and all knowing of everything. Or so they think. When someone wants to learn from me, it takes several variables to do so. The first is, you don't know jack. And even if you think you do, it isn't going to help. Nothing you say is going to mean a can of beans until I see you preform. Nothing in your experience is going to prepare you for the dirth of knowledge I have in my arsenal. The places I've been, the chefs I worked for and with, the circumstances I've worked under. Besides, this is not a competition, so shut up and listen. And read. And study. And focus. Smart asses need not apply. People who want to make me a daily are so dealing with the wrong bitch.
I am a very warm and encouraging teacher. I do not enjoy berating or making people small. The worst example I can think of is the screaming, cursing, beat you till you cry like a girl chef, that does nothing to inspire. I carry a more frame of mind. But I do demand professionalism from day one. Clean, trimmed, sharp knives, ready to hit the ground running. I don't care if you set your clocks one hour ahead, if it's going to get you there on time or even early. Phones off, no outside food, eat before you show up or bring enough for everyone. And a HUGE cappuccino for me wouldn't be a bad thing. EVER!
We have a sorry lack of cooks who care about what they're doing.They need to be taught what they must know in order to go out and CARE about what they are cooking. So I take as a personal mission to teach them.That said, like little acolytes they should come into the kitchen with reverence and surety.
culinary students should always know what kind of coffee their instructor likes!